One month of blog-a-day

I have been blogging once a day for a month now, and it’s only really been towards the end of the month that I’ve started finding it a bit of a struggle/annoyance at times. I suppose this is because I’ve started to get busier with other work and things and sometimes wish I didn’t have the blog taking up my time. Or when I’m too tired to want to keep my eyes open and fingers moving to type – then it can be hard, but otherwise it’s been great.

As I’ve said previously doing the daily blog definitely seems to be helping my writing more generally, I suppose if you do anything everyday you will tend to get better at it.

I thought that with each month that passes with the blogging challenge I would just check in with how it’s going and where it’s getting me. Not that (as I said at the outset) I expect it to get me anywhere in particular other than perhaps a more focused place for myself. So, this blog is the thoughts and impressions of a 23 year-old living in Brighton, trying to make it in the arts and somewhat lost. I am still all of those things. Although seemingly less floundering in some respects than when I began the 365 days of blogging.

So, what has changed in this month? Primarily I have been awarded funding from IdeasTap for Witness Theatre’s Brighton Fringe show – so basically I have had my idea validated. This means the company is starting to feel more stable than previously as I know (a little bit) what I’m doing and I’m starting to get other people on board. I’ve got someone to produce for me, and I’ve met up with a designer who may be interested in working with me. So that’s good…it also has essentially nothing to do with the blog, and so I can’t really give my daily writing credit for these things happening. But there we go, that’s what’s happened.

I suppose the main thing, so far, is the daily blogging challenge is providing a focus – somewhere to direct any extraneous thoughts, and a reason to write every single day. So that’s all positive…for now.

3 responses to “One month of blog-a-day

  1. I think the idea of blogging every day is a great one to get you into a writing routine. Good luck with the show πŸ™‚

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